Call us at (214) 387-6040
The Capelle Law Firm
As you probably know, there are a ton of federal and state employment laws may apply to your business, and you risk fines, penalties and/or employment-related litigation if you don’t know the laws you must follow and the steps you need to take to stay in compliance. Anti-discrimination laws, health and safety regulations, wage and hour laws, medical and maternity leave, harassment and many more.. You may need policies and procedures, handbooks and training to ensure that you don’t inadvertently violate them. You must also comply with state laws relating to such things as the minimum wage. And if you employ people who are not U.S. citizens, you may face immigration issues. If you would like to discuss any of these subjects, contact us for a free consultation.
5465 Legacy Dr, Suite 650, Plano TX 75024
Call us at
(214) 387-6040
Monday to Friday:
9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: By appointment